Somewhere in Salem
Bev Walters (dated/lovers)
Paige Larson (flirtation)
Drug possession and use (June 2013 - January 2015)
Robbed an electronics store (June 2013)
Got into a fight with J.J. (June 2013)
Stole J.J.'s cell phone (February 2015)
Sent to drug rehab [Summer 2013]
When J.J. returned to Salem in the spring of 2013, he began hanging around with some of the drug users and dealers in Salem. Cole was in this group. But he and J.J. often butted heads, at times over girls like Bev. One time they got into a fist fight when Cole made a comment about the Horton Square.
Cole and J.J. were both arrested after the fight. Cole was sent to rehab. When he returned, he still had it out for J.J. So, he started befriending J.J.'s ex-girlfriend Paige.
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